Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Into The high Country

Sunday - a day of rest right ?? ... pffff maybe for some !

We headed out to a private farm at Mt Mee to shoot some friends annual portraits.
This is one of the only times during the year I actually get to shoot my own kids too !
It was a beautiful afternoon as the sun set and gave us lovely natural light.

My Daughter McKenzie - 7 yrs old in Nov (Going on 17)

One of my favourite shots of the day is this one below of my Son Dominic (2yrs old) - this shot was taken by my wife Lisa.

Our friends kids, Abbey & Jess

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Tracey & Tim - Peppers Hidden Vale

The alarm clock sounds, it's 6.30am -

Why do I feel different today ? I think I've lost a little more hair, and looking in the mirror I see what appears to be another wrinkle !! Oh My God ! It's my Birthday !! Ye Gads ! And so I get big hugs and kisses from the family & read my Birthday cards and then our big day really starts ! We all get ready and pile into the car to head off to Peppers Resort. With a quick stop off on the way to pick up some equipment (thanks Snelly) and drop the kids off at the grandparents Lisa & I head off to meet the boys first .. We arrive at the cabin where the boys are "meant" to be only to hear the sound of gunfire off in the distance .. Ok looks like we've found our boys, yep they're off in a paddock not far away off shooting clay pigeons ! Deciding that it may be a little dangerous to just walk off in the direction of the gunfire we walked next door to see Tracey & the girls (a much safer option). Now the girls were running a "tad" behind schedule but we still got some great shots before heading off to meet the boys at the ceremony location ..

Lincoln & Coby arrived in Style !

We stayed around the resort for our photo shoot and the locations didn't disappoint !

We headed back to the main restaurant for the reception and Lisa & I hid ourselves in the back room creating the slideshow that we were to play on our projector just after dinner. And so we finished off our dinner and played the show - it was great to see Tracey's face as she was shown a sneak peak of the days events. She told me afterwards that she had tears in her eyes ..

Tracey & Tim thank you for letting us share in the start of your new lives together, have a great honeymoon up the Sunny Coast and congratulations on a great Wedding !

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Emma & Adam

As I write this blog it's raining outside & I can't help but feel lucky that we shot Emma & Adam's Wedding yesterday with relatively clear skies. I had thrown a few umbrellas in the back of the car just in case. My theory is if I have them I won't need them, if I I don't take them, well you know the rest ! And as it turned out we didn't need them !

Adam & Emma are such a great couple, great fun to photograph & they really felt at ease in front of the camera. We started our day at Emma's parents beautiful home in South Brisbane. The girls all looked stunning in their dresses and it wasn't long before the champagne was flowing.

We left the girls and met up with Adam and the boys at the chapel in the grounds of Brisbane Grammer, where the ceremony was to take place, with Father Leo in charge of proceedings.

How cute are these guys below, flower girls Tess,Megan & Jemima and who could could forget little Aska who was pageboy...

After the family photos we headed off into the city for some night shots, the Story Bridge was to be the first port of call before we headed back to beautiful Customs House where the reception was to be held.

What a beautiful wedding, Emma & Adam are heading to the UK to live for a year or so and I wish them both the best as they start their new lives together.

Congratulations Guys !