Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year .!!

To all my past clients & future Brides & Grooms, I'd just like to wish you all a very merry Christmas & a safe and happy New Year !

I'll be taking a very small break and will return on the 5th of January all refreshed and ready to face another exciting year doing what I love !

All the best for the holidays ..


Monday, December 15, 2008

Melanie & Stephen 12th December

Mel first contacted me back in 2007 as she shares my passion for photography and Weddings.
Mel is keen start to shooting her own weddings and traveled down to hang out with me on Sam & Michaels wedding back in September ..
Well today it was Mel's turn ! And what a beautiful day it was ! Grant and I kicked things off with the boys in their penthouse apartment at Redcliffe -

The girls were getting ready around the corner at Scarborough ..

The Ceremony was in Mora Park Shorncliffe

Mel & her Dad shared a moment as Mel Spotted Steve from the car ..

Excuse me ..... Down here ......

Friday's Moon was 12% bigger than usual so we made use of the "bigger than usual" Moon and got some great stuff !

Mel & Steve, thanks for letting me share in your very special day.
We had a blast hanging out with you guys and your families.
Have a safe and merry Christmas and we'll see you in the new year !

Monday, December 8, 2008

Mate (Marty) and Rebecca - 6th December

The one thing I've come to learn after shooting hundreds of weddings is to look for the relationships between friends and family on the day of the wedding. Capturing those moments shared between Mother and Daughter or Father & Son is absolutely priceless ! You can have all the posed shots you like but I guarantee you these "in between" candid shots will always be your favorites. Looking back in years to come you'll relive your wedding day by remembering these moments, like a trip back in time, I guarantee you will feel emotion, be it happy, or sad ..

Mate (Marty) and Rebecca shared their special day with family and friends at the Broadway Chapel at the Gabba. Lisa Blackmore was on hand as Civil Celebrant.

The ring warming ceremony -
The wedding rings are passed along to each guest to bless them in their own special way.

We headed back to the Treasury just as the heavens opened, Rebecca & Marty shared a quite moment before rejoining with their family & friends. We also ran a slideshow of some of the images taken on the day (these images you have just seen) at the reception which was just beautiful.
Congtratulations on a gorgeous Wedding guys and have an awesome time overseas on your honeymoon..