Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Claire & Stephen 23rd August

Claire & Stephen had a beautiful ceremony down at the Broadway Chapel and the reception was held at Indooroopilly Golf Club. I know what you're thinking, 'where are all the photos ?' yes normally I'd post 8 or 10 but these guys are flying back to London on Saturday so I'm busy getting their album design ready so they can see it before they leave. So I better get back to it ! but here's a snippet ..

Thursday, August 21, 2008

My 15 Seconds of fame !

As seen on Brisbane Extra Last week -

This is the show that channel Nine's Extra did on the Calendar I shot for the Qld Female Firefighters .. It was a lot of fun and for a great cause - all proceeds of the Calendar going towards Breast Cancer Research ..

*Warning - yes you will see my ugly mug in this video ...

Monday, August 18, 2008

Sheree & Mick - 16th August 2008

Saturday was such a beautiful day, we had perfect weather and the perfect couple.
Sheree & Mick were so relaxed in front of the camera it was awesome ! And what a fun day it was too, I think we laughed pretty much all day ! It really shows in the images when the bride and groom are really into the day like these guys were !

We started our day with the girls over at Ashgrove.

The ceremony was held in the Flagpole Garden at the Stamford Hotel in the city -

Congratulations Guys on a beautiful day and have an awesome time sailing around the Mediterranean on your honeymoon !

ps - Let me know if you need a photographer and I'll be on the first plane !

Monday, August 11, 2008

Catherine - sweet 16

Today I met up with Suzanne & Catherine down at the Powerhouse for a portrait sitting for Catherine - it was a gorgeous day, I first met these guys about 2 years ago at a good friends wedding. Catherine has done a little bit of modeling and was a breeze to work with.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Nathan & Adele - Maleny Friday August 1st

Nathan is a friend of mine, we train at the same gym and have done for about 3 or 4 years I guess, so when he announced that he and Adele were to be married I was asked to take on the photographic duties. It's not all that often that we get to shoot friends weddings so it was great to shoot the wedding and then be treated to a beautiful meal with great company !
Thanks guys ! Here is a sneak peak of the days events . The ceremony was held at Maleny Views under the gazebo looking out over the coast. The reception dinner was held next door at the the terrace of Maleny -

Congratulations on a beautiful wedding guys and have a great time in New Zealand, don't spend too much money on my gift.. :O)